Mobile Developement Web Development

Overview of Web and App development process

Below is the presentation that I gave to my company in March 11th, 2014. At that time, we were focusing on all javascript solutions for both web and mobile applications. There are much changes at the moment, but most of the presentation are still applicable.

Download (PPTX, 103KB)

By Hung Vo

– Graduated from Clemson University with MS degree in Computer Science
– Founded Designveloper, an outsourcing companies focusing on delivery of most elegant web design, fully customized web, mobile app development, VOIP and embedded software implementation. At Designveloper, my job is to ensure smooth cooperation between departments including technical, design, project management, sales, marketing and human resources. I love researching and applying new technologies and best practices into my company. There are lots of them, including, but not limited to, responsive, parallax design, single-page realtime application to agile, test-driven development, pair programming.

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