Hobbies Music

A simple way to solo over ii-V7alt-I-VIalt chord progression

You can solo over ii-V7alt-I-VIalt chord progression simply by using minor pentatonic scales.
Take Dm7 – G7alt – CMaj7 – A7alt as an example, you can use Am pentatonic – Bbm pentatonic – Bm pentatonic – Cm pentatonic scales.

Pentatonic ScaleAmBbmBmCm

So basically, from the ii chord root, you go up a perfect fifth or go down a perfect fourth to find the pentatonic scale to play over the ii chord. Then for each subsequent chord, simply play the pentatonic scale haft step above.

Another way to find the corresponding pentatonic scales over chord changes is

  • ii: go up a perfect fifth or down a perfect fourth from the root
  • V7alt: go up a minor 3rd from the root
  • I: go down a half step from the root
  • VI7alt: go up a minor 3rd from the root

Practice licks:



5v5 football tatics

Although football is our company’s favorite sport, we have been playing it as just hobby and not for professional. In order to improve the quality of our matches, we nwed to truly play as a team, with strategies, tactics and formations. This presentation introduces you about the basic of football formation, the diamond form. We will dive into basic principles such as: playing in possession, players’ positions and roles. We also take a look at how to apply diamond formation into offense and defense.

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